

    Kendriya Vidyalaya, NHPC, Dharchula is an exceptional school. We see our mission as “Education for Life” and we believe that we assist students to progressively accept more responsibility for self-discipline, to develop self respect, to contribute to the community, to develop a love of learning and to strive for excellence.
    We are a comprehensive, school, offering an environment that reflects our society and better prepares students for their future lives.
    Kendriya Vidyalaya is proud of its culture that fosters high expectations and standards. We expect the best of our students. Our students and staff work with an underlying ethos of perseverance, pride and excellence which focuses all members of the school on setting and maintaining high standards in academic, social and physical activities.
    I congratulate the Students and Staff and Parents for the best effort they are putting in.
    Let us strive for even better and I am very much confident that the Vidyalaya will excell in the coming years and will achieve an outstanding position in the filed of education.

    Shri Rahul Dev